A fusão da palavra com a música perseguida em sonoridades que vão do fado à música eletrónica e industrial, passando pela música popular portuguesa e o "spoken word".
TURNING POINT é uma viragem contemporânea na forma de abordar a poesia e a música, trazendo à luz as palavras de poetas que, por alguma razão, ficaram ocultos da visibilidade da maioria do público.
Criação Musical e Interpretação
"The fusion of words and music pursued in sounds ranging from fado to electronic and industrial music, including Portuguese popular music and "spokenword".
TURNING POINT is a contemporary shift in the way we approach poetry and music, bringing to light the words of poets who, for some reason, were hidden from the visibility of the majority of the public.
Musical Creation and Interpretation

Lançado em 22 de Fevereiro de 2024, no formato digital, vai ter precisamente um ano depois, a 22 de Fevereiro de 2025, sua versão em CD, acompanhado de um booklet, com edição da independente ANTI-DEMOS-CRACIA, uma edição limitada, neste caso a 100 unidades.
"Porque a Lua se Quebrou", vai ter apresentação pública, marcada para o dia 22 de Fevereiro, às 19H, em Santa Maria da Feira, na Igreja da Misericórdia da Feira e a entrada é livre (sujeita à capacidade do espaço).
OUVIR / LISTEN (Spotify)
Videoclip "LIBERTÉ"
Videoclip "EXERGO"

"Dans le paysage musical portugais, une formation atypique émerge, attirant l'attention par sa fusion artistique audacieuse. Turning Point, composé d'une chanteuse de fado, d'une vidéaste et claviériste, ainsi que d'un musicien polyvalent acteur et DJ, nous livre un opus remarquable intitulé « Porque a lua se quebrou », littéralement « Pourquoi la lune s'est brisée ».
Cet album, véritable hommage au poète portugais méconnu Carlos da Cunha, nous transporte dans un univers où la musique se fait le reflet des mots. À travers douze titres, Turning Point nous plonge dans des séquences narratives, où les spoken words et les chants, en portugais et en français, s'entrelacent avec des paysages sonores électro-poétiques. À la tête de ce projet, nous retrouvons Simão Valinho, Ligia Lebreiro et Raquel Sousa, trois artistes talentueux qui prêtent leurs voix et leur créativité à cette œuvre singulière.
L'âme de cet opus réside dans sa capacité à captiver l'auditeur, le transportant à travers des collages expérimentaux contemporains et des rythmes électroniques sombres. Chaque morceau est une invitation à un voyage où se mêlent le néo-cabaret mécanique, les fragrances traditionnelles nostalgiques et les rébellions théâtrales.
Phil Von, découvreur de talents, exprime son admiration pour cette œuvre audacieuse, soulignant son caractère unique et sa capacité à transcender les frontières artistiques. "Porque a lua se quebrou" est un conte audio où chaque page recèle des saveurs différentes et des sentiments multiples. L'écoute de cet opus laisse une empreinte indélébile, nous invitant à explorer les méandres de l'âme humaine à travers la musique et la poésie.
En conclusion, Turning Point nous offre un chef-d'œuvre musical où l'intelligence et l'émotion se rencontrent harmonieusement. « Porque a lua se quebrou » est un véritable témoignage de l'art dans toute sa splendeur, nous rappelant que la véritable beauté réside dans la fusion des genres et des disciplines, exécutée avec habileté, goût et âme."

Phil Von
Flamenco dancer, singer, performer & composer, Phil Von originated the group Von Magnet in London in1985. With Von Magnet he released a dozen of records mixing world music, flamenco, theatre & electronic music. As a solo artist he writes "made to measure" music for ballet, contemporary dance, art & theatre. He is co-leading the project Meta Meat.
"More than 25 years ago, Von Magnet called one of its albums "Mezclador". In English, "The Mixer" doesn't translate well to the alchemical concept of combining and colliding different universes. They had the intuition that the renewal of the arts would need to undergo this "miscegenation" of genres and disciplines. Since then, a myriad of projects have gone through that blending process, which has become a global fusion phenomenon, especially in the realm of music. Not always masterful, unless skillfully, tastefully, and, more importantly, soulfully crafted.
When I drifted inside "Porque a lua se quebrou" by Turning Point, I was in awe: How refreshing and exciting to listen to such a singular and original project! And "Because the moon broke" is definitely one of a kind! It bears the three conditions mentioned above, and more. Made in Portugal by a trio of talented individuals, this record allies mesmerising spoken words and poetic texts (in French and Portuguese) by performance dance-theatre artist and stage director Ligia Lebreiro, subtle electronic soundscapes, noises and rhythmic loops by music activist and electronic composer Simão Valinho and riveting lead vocals sang in Portuguese in the genuine style of Fado by Raquel Sousa.
Turning Point, our three-headed monster, unfolds its tracks like different chapters of an audio tale. Each page holds different flavours, multiple feelings and the whole piece is elegantly filled with poetic essence.
Their invitation to this Odyssey takes us through various contemporary experimental collages and dark electronic rhythmic shores. There, we visit a mechanical neo cabaret, here, dive in nostalgic traditional fragrances, elsewhere witness a battlefield of theatrical rebellion…
Simão's sonic world is subtle although rich and vivid, always offering space for the voices, the deep and confiding warm tones of Ligia contrasting with the lyrical maestria of Raquel's expressionist Fado.
When curiousness is puzzled by intelligence and heart is touched by bliss, then one recognizes true Art."